“Prescription Milk”, the film

This is the 3 min. trailer for a new film coming out called “Prescription Milk”. I think it will be an incredible wake up call about prematurity, donated milk and the heroic women who want to make a difference for families with fragile babies.

9 thoughts on ““Prescription Milk”, the film

  1. I was privileged to have donated breast milk in 1974, 1978, 1987, and again in 1997 — each time I had plenty and one of my babies needed my milk and so did other babies.

    Right now it’s very difficult to start a milk bank in California — but we are still trying!

  2. Didn’t see any Kangaroo Care in the trailer. Curious what Nils Bergman would think about this? Any feedback since he spoke in Vancouver last month? Outcomes would improve even further if they got those babies out of incubators and into their “habitats.”

  3. Could be many causes, Becky.
    -elective c sections
    -in vitro fertilizations producing multiple births
    -poor nutrition
    -rise in poverty
    -older first time mothers
    -drugs, alcohol

  4. when you look at the research it seems there are mainly two groups of factors for the increase in prematurity … socio-economic situation and pollution.
    hormone levels and general reproductive health are being affected by pollution (as in toxins, hormone disruptors, synthetic hormones, hormone mimicking compound, etc. )

  5. I am a grand father of two natural-born grandchildren. Fortunately they were on term. However, if this can be done clean and joyfully there is NO reason why we can all support its availability anywhere for premies – insurance companies not withstanding! Damn it wet-nursing is a fact of life even among the distortions of ‘westernized’ lifestyles. I’ll be looking for more information.

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