Midwives make a difference, ending male genital mutilation

My blog talk radio program this week is on the subject of ending male genital mutilation. 20 mins long.

Listen to internet radio with waterbirthinwoman on Blog Talk Radio

You can download the program to iTunes free.

2 thoughts on “Midwives make a difference, ending male genital mutilation

  1. Hmm. I’m loving you and feeling frustrated by you at the same time. Listening to this talk tipped me from a position of “circumcision makes no sense to me, there’s no way I’d consider that with my children, and I’ll discourage my friends from it” to “I’m not sure I can live comfortably and do nothing about this for the untold babies who experience them just because I don’t directly know them.” You are the part of the next generation of voices that inspire the rest of us to action. Thank you for finding yours, and also of speaking candidly of the process of finding it. So then I did a search on compfight…


    The accompanying conversation features such baffling responses as “wonderful!” and “so cute.” not to mention the usual rhetoric. Cute, really? I suppose the wincing baby is cute…

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